This instance reminds me a lot of one of my favorite books, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. This part of the Harry Potter series holds a special place in my heart. See, I was kind of late to the Harry Potter game. I was actually one of those people who stubbornly refused to read it because I felt the entire series was a time wastage. But then one day, I made a deal with a kid. He wanted to read the series, but was scared. He wasn’t a sturdy reader- that was his problem. So I said I’d read it with him. That day, I took home Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone and cracked it open. I was instantly sucked in. It was astonishing. I flew through the rest of the series. This was the last one released at that time, so it was my first true Harry Potter cliffhanger. I spent a lot of time thinking about it and what would come afterwards.
It’s pretty much common knowledge that Hogwarts is a wonderful place. Harry goes there and finds a family in his colleagues and mentors. It’s a place where he feels at home and like he is a part of something beautiful. But in Order of the Phoenix, The Ministry’s interests, you see, are patently different from those of Dumbledore, and, when they come in, they begin to change things.
The students and faculty, as you can imagine, don’t like that very much. Taking control of Hogwarts is a great political move, but it comes at a cost. Shortly after the changes taking place, the students start to rebel. They do things that are rebellious, things that are against the rules. They form stealthy clubs, right inside the walls of Hogwarts, in order to talk over the best ways to beat the system.
Overall, it is very mesmerizing. I would like to note that people need to read it again and again., just as Harry Potter fans read the previous four books over and over while waiting for this one, definitely they should read this one again. I was unfulfilled at first with the book when I was done reading it, but out of my love for Harry Potter, I read it again, and loved it. Rowling likes to hide indirect hints in the text that reveals throughout the book, and when you start it for another time, you already know what’s going to happen, therefore you can focus on your current spot in the book. I was just reading for the plot. When I read it again, I realized what an amazing book it is: The more times you read it the more you love it.